Who we are.
In 2024, Mountain West Investment Corporation’s philanthropic work, known publicly as the Center for Community Excellence, moved under a new private foundation. This separation was born of a desire to bolster collaboration and meaningful connections between individuals, communities, and organizations in the Salem-Keizer area.
The idea of the Center was created to meet community challenges and opportunities, serving as a grassroots effort focusing on education, community priorities, and promoting civic and community engagement. We are committed to supporting authentic and nonpartisanship leadership, as well as an environment of collective learning that serves the needs of our communities.
Mountain West’s philanthropic history and longstanding commitment in Salem-Keizer provide a valuable pulse on issues and trends facing our community. Our team looks forward to taking the experience and relationships garnered under the Corporation’s philanthropic arm and expanding our outreach through the foundation to reach new corners of the community. We have a track record of tackling important community issues and needs, through collaboration and collective impact strategies. We are passionate about community stewardship and service, and building a healthy, inclusive, and vibrant place to live, grow, and work.
Our vision.
Empowering individuals, families, and communities to pursue transformational change.
Our mission.
To improve quality of life through innovative educational and charitable programs.